Blackpool [黑浦,避雷浦,黑池。。] 是我在英国到过的第4个地方。。
Blackpool 是个娱乐城 (跟云顶没得比,blackpool是city of entertainment, 而genting 是 village of entertainment, 论规模,云顶可是比不上了),在这里我所看到的blackpool 是 fun city, carnival city, exotic city..这里仿佛每天都沉淀在佳节与欢庆的气氛当中
Blackpool is full of casino everywhere
There are lots of hotel available all along the streets...
sYmBoL oF bL@ckPoOl??
discussing something....................................
Already in Black in the morning~~
My hp was fully charged last night, who knows the battery drained when i on it...OMG!! what the hell is that...Luckily i have a spare hp with me.....But, why my hp's battery drained??
'Blackpool is Black enough' tonight
Our bus left at around 8.20pm, we stucked in the horrible traffic jam for more than 1 hour, from south pier to north pier takes 1 hr!!!...i can walk faster than the flow of traffic..huh!!!
Out of the blue, the bus stopped and faced some techinical problem....then we have to wait for another coach to take us to Manchester, again, wait for another 1 hr for the coach to is so cold outside, 12 degree celcius (tat su used his diamond to check weather condition)..however, me and tat su keep on shooting (take photos) outside....
the coach reached at 11.30pm, then we board the bus....i slept from blackpool to salford, i woke up when the bus stopped at castle irwell...huh!! so tired...
reach home at 1am.....
Blackpool~~UK top attraction destination