Wednesday, 27 April 2011


上个周日, 我们没有去foody goody 了, 换个地点, 附近的C121。。。

kueh chap, 还是foody goody 的比较好吃。。

久违的猪肠粉。。。味道不错, 可是我的女人嫌他的叉烧不够多。。LOL

mee goreng.....被我的女人嫌弃的一盘面, 我觉得会吃的咯。。。。下次你自己去order呗。。。结果整碗是我解决掉。。。

这三样东西, 80%是到我的肚子里去, 结果饱了一整天! >

最近爱上了Pizza hut 的炸鸡翅。。。。每次去都有order.....

pizza hut 最近有50%优惠!。。有口福了!
星期一到星期五, 每天有不同的选择, 星期一有我喜欢的鸡翅。。呵呵。。在这里打下免费广告吧。。。

在继续介绍下我们最近找到的新欢, 原味珍珠奶茶, 也是爱上了, 这个周末再去买, 已经连续两个周末都买了。。。它的奶茶已经赢了taipei 101, 毕竟他的有QC, 台北101没有, 有时好喝, 有时不好喝。。。。。
一杯3.50, 加jelly 4.00....

My mom will always be my pillar of strength. What about yours? Do join the "Mom on FB" contest today. #MomOnSummitFB

My mom will always be my pillar of strength. What about yours? Do join the "Mom on FB" contest today. #MomOnSummitFB

What's a roadtrip when 6 of you are all cramped in saloon car? It's time for a new car so say hello to #allaboutexora! Get your Test Drive session today!

What's a roadtrip when 6 of you are all cramped in saloon car? It's time for a new car so say hello to #allaboutexora! Get your Test Drive session today!

Solving riddles do bring you a long way. Here's your chance to bring your solving skills to another level, the millionaire level. #NEXTMoneytree

Solving riddles do bring you a long way. Here's your chance to bring your solving skills to another level, the millionaire level. #NEXTMoneytree

We love the Internet. Who doesn't? What's better than getting rewarded for being an Internet addict? Cast your votes today! #DiGiWWWOW

We love the Internet. Who doesn't? What's better than getting rewarded for being an Internet addict? Cast your votes today! #DiGiWWWOW

This is going to be big, better and wait for it.. BERRIER! Check out what berry are you this instant! #digiwhatberry

This is going to be big, better and wait for it.. BERRIER! Check out what berry are you this instant! #digiwhatberry

Hurry! DiGi's giving away Honda City and iPad EACH WEEK. That's right. And all you need is just one subscription! Try today! #DiGiSenang2Menang

Hurry! DiGi's giving away Honda City and iPad EACH WEEK. That's right. And all you need is just one subscription! Try today! #DiGiSenang2Menang

I want a LIVE Facebook PARTY!!! #DiGiforall

I want a LIVE Facebook PARTY!!! #DiGiforall

There's the F1 Race and The Great ChurpChurp Race! I want more KMs! #Churp2Race

There's the F1 Race and The Great ChurpChurp Race! I want more KMs! #Churp2Race