只能说时间过得太快了,今天shereen和tat su已经启程回大马了。。。今天早上叫了一辆mini bus (mini bus这词搞到我们误时,事情的经过我也不说了,说来话长,这不是重点)把这些东西搬去storage。。我们5个人的东西,看起来还真的会吓死人。。这还不是全部,有些还没打包的。。。
Friday, 29 May 2009
只能说时间过得太快了,今天shereen和tat su已经启程回大马了。。。今天早上叫了一辆mini bus (mini bus这词搞到我们误时,事情的经过我也不说了,说来话长,这不是重点)把这些东西搬去storage。。我们5个人的东西,看起来还真的会吓死人。。这还不是全部,有些还没打包的。。。
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Friday, 22 May 2009
The day before 'freedom'
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Cities XL

The PC game, which is currently in its closed beta stage, will hit the stores on 3 September in France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Austria, in French and German languages. The release dates for other countries will be announced soon.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Monday, 18 May 2009
too busy
Today was super duper busy at drive thru and so unlucky i worked at window 1... si beh suei!!!!!
sigh....taking order non stop....continuously..........and somemore need to be very fast especially when there is long queue..otherwise, the 'mad women' at the front counter will shout ' Alex!!!!! speed it up!!!' ==''
Sometimes i'm really unable to speed up as some customers are just too 'slow motion'!!!in what way?? when ordering, dealing with monies especially coins, 5p, 10p, 20p..then pass to me, i have to calculate them again...and all these need time...so i really hate people giving very small coins for big amount..and i met this too..so sometimes i didn't really count them as there would be few p different and it doesn't matter.....but what can i say???...Can i say 'Hey! please be fast! i got long queue behind'..could I???
Anyway, these are all rants and i would forget everything after off from work.....
initially my shift was until 2pm, but then stay until 4pm without any notice in advance as change over at window 1 is 4pm....so, can i say can i go now at 2pm? i don't think so i can go even if i ask...so i choose not to ask and stay until 4pm....
raining outside and i was like a 'chicken in the soup' when reached home....walking in the rain is common here but not in Malaysia...ermm....i also don't know what is the difference....
straight away went to kitchen to take out the meat to defrost as i'm so hungry...and start to cook after bath....well, actually i should bath after cook, but then it is really 'inconvenient' to bath after cook as the food would turn 'cold' when i finish bath...and if bath after eating, i need to wait for hours after eat.....
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Friday, 15 May 2009
over over over!!!!

Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Fishy day
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
High Calories
Sunday, 10 May 2009
piss me off
Friday, 8 May 2009
Thursday, 7 May 2009

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Day 1 SIBU
Board ship in the bustling city port set close to the local markets and temples. Free time to explore the town on foot with its attractive streets of old Chinese shop houses, redolent of Malacca or Penang but without the tourists. Sibu is a big port with sea going ships coming up and off loading. From here the fast express boats depart for the interior.
Cast off at dawn and proceed up the mighty Rajang. Morning stop to visit rattan workshops. Here the river is still wide and full of shipping. At the river station of Kanowit we visit the Brooke Raj Fort Emma, of wooden construction and amazingly surviving intact after 150 years. Explore deeper inland by long boat up the Kanowit River and voluntary jungle trek back to the Pandaw moored at Kanowit.
The upriver capital has an even more interesting Brooke Raj fort called Fort Sylvia with the adjacent tattoo museum showing traditional Iban designs and techniques. We make further explorations to visit an original Iban longhouse, a rare sight as most have been rebuilt in a modern style.
Day 4
Just above Kapit we turn up the main tributary of the Rajang, the Batang Baleh navigable for a Pandaw for another day’s sail. Along the river we see a number of logging camps and fine new long houses. Logging is strictly controlled by the Sarawak government, who have a strict replanting programme. We will visit a logging camp and stop overnight at Nagamujong village with its long house, school, clinic and church. We will also see loading points for coal coming from mines deep in the jungle.
Return down the Baleh to rejoin the Rajang and proceed another 40km towards the Pelagus Rapids. This section of the river is incredibly beautiful with thousands of islands, reefs and shoals. Navigation here can be difficult depending on water levels and it may be necessary to transfer to long boats to continue our journey. At Pelagus we make a short trek to the Pelagus Resort Hotel for afternoon tea and stupendous views of the rapids
Further opportunity to trek in and around the Pelagus Resort in this primary rain forest so rich in fauna and flora. After lunch return downstream past Kapit.
Day 7 SONG
Song is a small river station between Kanowit and Kapit and we stop here to make a boat trip up the Katibas river to visit long houses and the opportunity to trek part of the way back to Song. Continue downstream through evening.
We now enter the Rajang delta area with its rich agricultural life. At Sarikei we visit a deer farm and pepper plantations. On the coast Thanjung Manis is the main seaport and gateway to the Rajang. Though a modern city it is not without interest. A short drive away, village workshops specialise in songkat weaving. Return upstream stopping over night at Bintangor
Day 9 SIBU
Dock in Sibu early morning and disembark for onward flights
Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Monday, 4 May 2009
总算是赶完presentation poster了,算了随便完成的,太多疑惑了,感觉做的东西都不是很对。。。。怎么办?祝我自己好运了。。。
第一。。。有些人竟然可以因为番茄酱而‘吵’ 。 因为店里没有番茄酱了。这种arguement当然就留给manager去处理了,看来manager也不能做什么,因为那些人就是蛮不讲理。。我们当然还是得带着笑脸面对。。心里却默默地OS。。。他妈的!!
Mcdonald's don't have ketchup?!!。。麦当劳没有番茄酱很奇怪咩?
第二。。一个青年乘着的士到窗口,我就问他order什么,他竟然说他在window 1 order了,还说得出他order了什么,莫名其妙。。这是个醉汉。。window 1明明是没人他怎么会order了,那的士司机就告诉他说还没order的,也太好笑了。。。好了,他就说他要什么,讲来讲去最后他自己也不懂要什么,一下子sausage and egg, 一下子double sausage and egg, 然后就问他有4磅,能够买什么。。最后他就把钱给我,3磅,能买什么就买什么,我就下两个sausage and egg....过后叻。。。不懂为什么被赶下的士。。哈哈哈。。。拿了那两个sausage and egg 后,过不久,在他吃着当儿还走近窗口问 is there any free burger? 我说no, 他就说please.......我:'no..sorry'...就这样走了。。。过了不久有一辆blackline到窗口,那个醉汉就要搭车,司机不理他,匆匆忙忙开走。。。
第三。。一个坐着轮椅的中年男子与他的妻子(应该是)。。一直乱乱讲话,讲了什么我也忘了,他买了什么我也忘了,这不是重点,他拿到了他的食物,还不走,两公婆还站在柜台前,当然是边吃。。。突然那中年男子就问 where is my milkshake?!! 我就觉得很奇怪,他明明没有order milkshake,我就跟他说他没有order,他硬硬说他有,还很生气,激动。我就查他的order,根本就是没有。manager也说他根本没有order(因为他order时manager也在我旁边)。。。然后他竟然靠近柜台,站起来。。就开始噼里啪啦说个不停,他说什么,我不懂,我知道他是讲我,骂我之类的。。一脸很凶的样!!它的妻子也不阻止他,那个女人也是怪怪的。。。然后呢,那个女人就问他要不要买,那个‘疯子’就说不要。。get me out from here, quick!!...那女人就推他出去了。。真的是无言。。。又好笑,又气人。。无端端被骂!