Tuesday, 25 November 2008



今晚我又情不自禁的把之前的相片给‘挖’出来看了, 每当看了这些照片就会有一个感受, 我很想我的家。。当然,这些只会是个回忆,历史,过去。。。我无法‘预知觉’我几时会开开心心回家去(回家当然是会很开心)。。我现在不会像之前般超级无敌地想家,还记得4年前,每当离开诗巫到吉隆坡,电话中向妈妈‘报平安’时 会讲到哽咽到留下男儿泪(好像还蛮糗的)。。那种感受还真的是无法形容,无法控制。。就是一种非常不好受的感受。



xueying said...

haha...u r definately a pisces!
stay tough!ur tears r vry expensive!:)

Anonymous said...

= =|||||duno who tell me that HE NEVER CRIES BECOZ OF HOMESICK....

Anonymous said...

u post this up reminds me of food instead of me getting homesick...it usually occur when u are depressed, thinking too complex, and boredom...so, at least u hav to go out at times just to get some fresh air and laugther always make ur day. u are at least better as u hav much exposure compare to me..i never leave my house for that long b4...and usually i'm known as "mummy's boy".. plus again this is the first time i stay alone..

p.s. alex is not homesick....its the "SICK" that doesnt know which direction to go...I'M LOST!!!! path which lead him without an ending....

股灵精探 said...

Thanks for leaving comment...btw, may i know who r u??