Wednesday, 12 November 2008

red red penne


Anonymous said...

this is one of the best meal ever he produced! way better than itallianies pasta...seriously no joke!
everything is fresh without any ready-made ingredients... mind sharing ur recipe with others?...u should compete this recipe with MU chef whereby their meats is either too blend, salty, or over-cooked...the amount of wastage they wasted on foods is incredible!

Do u guys spot the vege in the spag? usually in itallianies or other pasta shop, the vege is slightly bitter coz of the chemical used by here, its so fresh and the vege taste exactly like the sauce and mixture of meat...awesome!

keep it up!.... should consider to change ur position to chef assistant and screwed them on those pre-packed ingredients used and yet they still made careless mistake! morons who used mouth to talk more intead of working it out themselves...thats really sick!

股灵精探 said...

XD....u so funny la....that sauce is ready sauce la!!..hahahahahah