Paris, capital of France, around 2.5 hrs eurostar from London... Paris for me was a nice place in my imagination and of course it's famous landmark is Eiffel Tower, Eiffel tower=Paris; Paris=Eiffel tower.
The only words that i can get when French people talk are bonsour and bonsoir....others are )(*&^%$#@!....'tia bo'....the most important prerequisite is you need to know french...
First day reached Paris, the impression is really bad, the walking journey from the rail station to hostel, everywhere is like dirty, messy etc....other places like tourist attraction or the area where there are less 'outsiders' are much more better...Also, the living expenses in Paris is really high, higher than UK......
The underground/subway in paris(metro and RER) is really terrible, there is no proper ventilation in the coach and the only ventilation is from the opening of the coach windows and the air is from the tunnel....the coach are always full of odour and extremely warm especially when there are crowded..... really bad experience.
Overall, got pros and cons..XD
bike for rent.....on the street..
street artist!! cool!!
Pyramid at The Lourve
Genuine Mona lisa from Louvre Museum
Those 'black' ppl treat the KFC as their home...they wont let the customer to take the seats's so unbelievable

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