Saturday, 23 January 2010


Finally, the last exam was over at 5.15pm today, didn't have the 'special' feeling at that moment, because i don't have the confidence for it.sad....being tensioned for whole week and digested tons of facts in the brain, but out of expectation, the expected questions were not there. Anyway, i aim for pass, can't aim for too much now. :(

Went to La Tasca, a spanish cuisine restaurant for dinner right after exam...The food are nice except the dessert.

The marks for project management was out today as well, the marks is not what i'm looking for, but anyway at least i didn't fail...maybe i should happy for that right....Anyway, everything was over right at the moment... Starting from tomorrow i will be working everyday except the 3 days off to Edinburgh next week and the 2 days class in the following weeks.

wondering how am i going to bath and sleep as i'm too full now...have to wake up at 6am again tomorrow........

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