Monday 1 December 2008

1st day of DEC

This morning i saw the light snow time in my life saw the 'snowing' with my bare eyes~~~~but, it lasted for a while and it is just light snow...waiting for more snow~~~but pls don't snow when i'm on the way walking to work yeah~~~PLS...

I call to MU to ask abt the tax imposed on my pay......the person said it is because i have 2 jobs....i'm still cant make it clear abt that. i search online for relevant information regarding the income tax...What i found is that it wont be taxed if the income do not exceed the allowance for the budget year, and of course mine not yet reach the limit and also it is impossible to reach that limit. Even if i work more than 20 hours a week, my pay will only be deducted for National Insurance (11%)....

Sigh.....i have no idea how to figure it out......

Christmas vacation is coming soon and that means i can work more than 20 hours per week..woohoo~~~( but still need to find out whether i need to fill in any form for mafan la!!)...

Waiting for this coming Friday!!! why?? because another coursework will be submitted on this day~~~~and Friday would be a 'free n easy' day~~~~ waiting waiting waiting.......

Yesterday i started to bid a handphone on ebay...haha..actually i just bid for fun with low price only....but i hope that i can get it finally...good luck ..good luck
Sydney Opera House 設計者逝世

悉尼歌劇院設計者、丹麥建築師Joern Utzon因心臟病發,29日在丹麥於睡夢中病逝世,享年90歲。

雪梨歌劇院星期日晚上將熄燈一小時,以哀悼Joern Utzon的過世。

Joern Utzon最近接連做了幾次手術,從26日起就感到身體極為不適,隨後被送往位於哥本哈根北部的一家治療中心。

Joern Utzon1918年出生在哥本哈根,1957年,當時在國際建築設計界並不算知名的他在悉尼歌劇院設計競標中脫穎而出,著手設計這一於去年被列為聯合國教科文組織世界文化遺產的建築。但由於費用嚴重超出預算,Joern Utzon的設計理念引發褒貶不一的爭論,在進行了9年設計工作後他選擇離去,澳大利亞的設計師們集體完成了剩下的設計工作。據悉,Joern Utzon從來沒有親眼目睹過自己傾注了大量心血的設計作品——悉尼歌劇院。

Joern Utzon一生設計過不少建築名品,獲得過包括普利茲克建築獎在內的多項國際建築設計大獎。