Wednesday 20 August 2008

Man vs Wild

I found this 'Man vs Wild' on discovery channel yesterday evening, this is the channel that i seldom focused on. But yesterday i'm so 'lucky' that i found this adventure based series on this channel.Well, this is the series that hosted by Bear Grylls regarding his adventurous trip to all around the world. This is such an interesting series that grabbed my interest and attention.
The episode that i watched is desert survivors in Sahara Desert, the biggest dry n hot desert in the world.
Here are some interesting scene and yet they are disgusting as well
1) Bear Grylls ate the desert frog freshly for his meal
2) From a dead camel that presented by the burber (the name of the ppl stay in desert), he got the skin as his blanket during night time by using a knife...the progress of tearing the skin from the flesh of camel is juz so cruel and yuckkks, disgusting as well...he tasted the fat of the is fat of the camel that cut from the body of the dead camel and he put it into his mouth..he tasted it, he said it is not tasted good~~@.@.. i wonder how come he gt sure 'dareness' to taste such things!!
3) In order to get the water, he cut the stomach of the dead camel to get the water (he has the knowledge that this part of camel would have water contained), he used both of his palms to 'catch' the water inside the stomach and then sucked into his mouth, luckily i'm not eating at that moment, i juz feel wanna vomit when saw that. this was not juz the end, he took out the digested food from the stomach, it is green in color, digested grass? erm..maybe~~~he squeezed it and then the water dropped dwn to his mouth..the water is obviously green in color, he said it is drinkable, but not taste so good...another question came out from my mind, how much $$ he get to filmed all is juz incredible for me..
4) Did anyone here ever eat the fresh, uncooked testicles of the animals??..well, he did that also, he ate the testicles of the goat, it taste? i also wont have such curiousity to know that..

Actually 'man vs wild' is a nice series, for me...u can get a lot of knowledge from this person, mostly regarding survival methods in extreme conditions (maybe u may need it in future, who knows, but am i going to eat those disgusting 'food'??XD)....

Go to have a look on 'man vs wild' if possible..i rate it 9 out of 10..hehe


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