Tuesday 11 November 2008

Challenging question!!! let's work it out!!

A man was traveling to Kasoa.

At the bus stop, he met a man with 7 wives.

Each wife has 12 sons and 12 daughters

Each daughter of the man's wife had 4 sons and 7 daughters

Each son of the man's wife had 7 sons and 4 daughters

Each grand daughter had 4 friends.

How many people got to kasoa?

leave ur answer in the comment..



Anonymous said...

u should forward de attachment in email...that's will make more fun..
anyway..i juz use less than 5 mins to solve it...wahahahaha

股灵精探 said...

i cant upload that attachment ler...

Anonymous said...

I KNOW THE ANSWER: presenting.................................. 888....TADA!!! tomorrow strike first prize...

lipyee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lipyee said...


股灵精探 said...

Thanx for trying, boys and girls....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


股灵精探 said...

haha..good attempt....but inaccurate

Anonymous said...


lipyee said...

only one lolx..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


股灵精探 said...

haha..should i call off this question by telling the answer???

Anonymous said...

hahahaha.,...dun try to fool ppl ar....
i know ur maths very geng.....
read the english properly first..
HELLO EVERYONE!! read the english properly...

Anonymous said...

one people only....

股灵精探 said...

yeah!!..the ans is 1 !!!!.....tat su, i saw ur paper was full of calculations...so funny...